Magenta & Co.

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Magenta & Co.

Realtors in Moscow, Idaho

Think about your life. Did you know that the average person spends 1/3 of it at work? For many people, that means a daily grind full of stress. In sales, it is even more so but we do not believe it should be that way. We believe that work life should be surrounded by positive, influential people who are passionate and successful at what they do. All with the intention of passing that feeling onto you.

You might have noticed that Magenta & Co. is unlike any other real estate office you have found. The truth is, we have all worked in fast-paced, competitive real estate environments and yes, we have been successful at it. We have set and broken county records and while that is great for us, we wanted to set a new standard of service for you. Why? Because real estate is not just a numbers game. It is about people: the people we work with and more importantly, the people we work for.

So what did we create?
A team of successful agents who compete for YOU, not against each other.

At Magenta & Co., you are welcomed into a community of like-minded, supportive individuals who work together to deliver the very best for you. Some may call that a concierge service, but that is just our baseline. When you walk into our office, you will feel the difference, and we believe that is what makes us such a successful team. Our team is not only us; it includes you.

Now you know our secret- it is not all about winning and closing the sale. You mean more to us than that, we want to earn your business for years to come. It does not matter if we are introducing you to our small-town community or helping you say goodbye to it. Our team is your team, and we cannot wait to meet you. Please reach out as we would welcome the opportunity to meet you over a cup of coffee.

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Now We're Blushing


Brenda Paxton

Alexis is a true professional! She answered questions clearly and quickly. She knows how to problem solve, taking into account the needs of the buyer. Alexis always had a smile on her face and made us feel valued as an important priority and customer. I highly recommend Alexis


Karen Carter

Tiffany knows Real Estate! When we bought the house, we used a different agent and we knew more than she did. Tiffany did a great comparison analysis for us. We wanted to sell quickly but also wanted top dollar. She was open when we suggested to list the house for a bit more than her analysis showed — Guess what? We sold for exactly what she calculated the house was worth!


Amanda Hess

EVERY TIME WE HAVE WORKED WITH TIFFANY, she has been beyond accommodating, always quick to answer questions and thought outside the box. She cares for our needs as if they are her own. We cannot say enough good things about Tiffany and recommend her to anyone wanting exceptional service.


Carolyn Lazzarini

Megan came into our lives at a time of great sadness. Selling a home that was lived in for over 20 years that held precious memories was an emotional endeavor. Meagan was so supportive, caring, helpful and created and experience that turned out to be one of the best decisions ever! The new house has become a home again and Megan was an essential ingredient. She knew exactly what to look for, answered endless questions, had the patience of a saint and a wonderful sense of humor and style. Absolutely loved working with Megan and recommend her to everyone that is looking to buy or sell.

Magenta & Co Meet the Team